Privacy & Policy

Your trust matters to us. That’s why we protect your information and use it responsibly, while continuing to deliver the excellent service you expect from Quadruple Express B.V. and its operating groups, subsidiaries and divisions, (hereafter “Quadruple”). At Quadruple, we are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data. Quadruple has created this Privacy Notice to explain about how Quadruple collects and uses personal data.

Contact information

  • Quadruple Logistics – Corporate Data Protection Office
  • Attn: Legal Department
  • Nicholas Wilson Park
  • Breckenridge Crescent London
  • United Kingdom
  • E:

Does this Privacy Notice apply to you?

This Privacy Notice applies to you if you are a customer of Quadruple, a recipient of a package delivered by Quadruple, a supplier of Quadruple, or if you contact Quadruple, for instance, by visiting, using social media or if you receive emails from Quadruple. Our websites are for a general audience and not geared toward children. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal data from children under age 16. If you are under the age of 16, please do not submit any personal data to us, and rely on a parent or guardian to assist you. If you believe your child may have disclosed personally identifiable information to us, please contact us at and we will remove it.

What information does Quadruple collect?

In the course of its business activities and providing the services, Quadruple will need to process personal data. “Personal Data” is any information that can directly or indirectly be used to identify a natural person. You provide most of your Personal Data directly to Quadruple, for instance:

  • Contact information. Such as your name, address, e-mail address and phone number;
  • Financial information. Such as your bank account number, payment status, invoices;
  • Identification information. Such as your drivers license number;
  • Account information. Log-in details, including your email address and password, and other information provided in your account;
  • Information related to shipment and services. Such as shipment tracking number, shipment routing information, location data, status of a shipment, delivery location, packaging type, number of pieces, weight, picture of the parcel, customs information;
  • User and preference information. Such as shipping amounts, complaints, history of purchases and related commercial activities, communication, survey information, shopping preferences.

Will there be updates to this Privacy Notice?

Quadruple may update this Privacy Notice from time to time. If an amendment will have a serious impact, Quadruple will endeavor to actively inform you about such amendments. Quadruple will publish an up-to-date Privacy Notice on the website at all times, indicating the latest amendments.

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